Monday, July 29, 2013

Oneness is more than a concept. It's an experience and a way of living.

Inspiration Archives: Dr. Jonathan Ellerby

I want humanity to know oneness. It sounds complicated at first, but it is simple and will change your life forever. It did for me.
Oneness is more than a concept. It's an experience and a way of living.
In every culture throughout time there have been saints, mystics, sages, shamans and prophets who have come to the same conclusion: all things in this world are deeply interconnected and ultimately are only diverse expressions of the one original source energy.
This was the essential experience and conviction of most of the worlds' religious founding leaders. They called the Oneness of life different things: God, Allah, Hashem, The Great Mystery and so on, but the idea of oneness is universal. Oneness means we are each united with all of life.
Oneness is not just a spiritual or religious idea. It is now a clear scientific principle. Einstein died trying to prove the unified field theory, a belief that all life and matter are united by an underlying energy or consciousness.
The great quantum physicists David Bohm, Arthur Eddington, Max Planck and many others were convinced that at the very deepest (smallest) level of all things was energy. Deep within each cell, each molecule, each atom and nucleus, breathes an energy so subtle and yet so essential it could be called "spirit."

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