Pretend I’m an enlightened Yogi-Zen Master sitting high on a jagged, wind-blasted, unforgiving mountain. You’ve traveled through hell and brimstone to reach the top. The path was filled with a plethora of trials and tribulations. You’re now exhausted, covered in sweat, and seeking only one thing: wisdom.
Imagine me illuminated, meditating, glowing like a fractal-Buddha. My wrinkles, my long gray beard and my wise eyes staring down the improbable universe that surrounds us. You are taken aback, astonished by my vibrant, thunderously quiet energy. You’ve come for answers. And though you’re skeptical, your curiosity trumps your doubt.
The stories you’ve heard about me could no longer be ignored. And so you ascended the mountain, and now you’re standing in front of me, nearly out of breath, and you ask:
“Oh wise master, how do I conquer fear, guilt, shame, and attachment?
I look down at you from my precarious stone perch, eyes blazing with thousand-year-old wisdom. Moments go by without a word. The silence is deafening. Finally you can take it no longer,
“What,” you plead, “what is the answer?”
I open my mouth as if to speak. More moments go by. Seconds pass as if in infinities. Then, finally, I say only four words: Let yourself be worthy. That’s right! You want to conquer fear, guilt, shame, attachment? Let yourself be worthy. You want to break mental paradigms and stretch comfort zones? Let yourself be worthy.
You want to think outside of boxes and hijack evolution into revealing its secrets? Let yourself be worthy. You want to discover love and recondition preconditions? Let yourself be worthy. You want to usurp thrones, burn down high-horses, and change the world? Let yourself be worthy. The irony is that you just climbed a MOUNTAIN! That very act was an act of self-worth. I mean, the very act of climbing that mountain was an act of conquering fear, and letting go of guilt, shame, and attachment.
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